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Advanced Marketing Concepts (Online)
CRN: 24506
Location: Online
Course/Section: SFTV505 201
Date: 04/07/2025 - 05/02/2025
Instructor: Co-Sponsored *
Contact Hrs: 16 hours
Acquire expertise in R,F & M Analysis. Understand the 80/20 Principle. Better know the impact of price on sales. Take your knowledge of marketing to a new level. These concepts are what the best marketers use for designing marketing strategies that improve performance and return. Gaining these advanced marketing concepts will enable you to develop more effective marketing campaigns and results. Forget the fads, dump the buzz words. Come away with an advanced level of proven marketing knowledge you will start using on Monday morning, and every week thereafter. You will receive log in information from teacher@ugotclass.org a few days before class starts.
Available Seats: 99     Fees: $195.00
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