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Excel Advanced 2021 and 365
CRN: 24950
Location: Ankeny-Bldg 20
Course/Section: DATA510 201
Date: 05/08/2025 - 05/08/2025
Room: 06
Instructor: Smith Pamela
Time: 08:30AM - 04:30PM
Days: Thursday
Contact Hrs: 7 hours
Are you an experienced Excel user who wants to learn about Excel's advanced features? This course will help you develop the necessary skills by building on the skills learned in Excel Basic and Excel Intermediate. Topics include: working with tables and special table features; PivotTables and PivotCharts; and macros. Tuition includes a textbook. The Excel Intermediate course or equivalent knowledge is recommended.
Available Seats: 12     Fees: $200.00
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