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Introduction to Data Analysis (Online)
CRN: 22327
Location: Online
Course/Section: SFTU502 201
Date: 04/07/2025 - 05/02/2025
Instructor: Co-Sponsored *
Contact Hrs: 16 hours
Data Analysis is quickly becoming one of the most sought-after skills in the workplace. Companies have vast amounts of data, but it is rare to have someone with the ability to analyze that data to see trends and make predictions. This online course will give you a basic understanding of how to analyze data in a business setting. Businesses look for candidates with an understanding of how to analyze the data they have been collecting; this course will help you start on that journey. Please watch for your invitation email from teacher@ugotclass.org in your regular or junk mail a few days before the class start date. Registration closes on the class start date.
Available Seats: 99     Fees: $195.00
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