Welcome to DMACC Continuing Education
Sterile Processing Supply Tech
CRN: 14806
Location: Urban Campus-Bldg 2
Course/Section: SURG501 100
Date: 09/20/2024 - 12/06/2024
Room: 209
Instructor: Cunningham Joyce
Time: 10:30AM - 02:30PM
Days: Friday
Contact Hrs: 60 hours
This non-credit course will give an introduction to the field of the central service/sterile processing department within the healthcare system. There will be discussion of the history of the profession. The student will discuss communication skills between departments. The student will examine ethical and moral issues, safety and rules/regulations. The student will review a base knowledge of a basic microbiology, disease transmission, asepsis, decontamination, instrumentation, preparation and packaging for sterilization and sterilization in the central services/sterile processing department. This course includes 40 hours in the classroom and an additional 20 hours clinical site visit. No Class October 27 and November 24
Available Seats: 20     Fees: $745.00
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