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Intermediate Data Analysis (Online)
CRN: 24487
Location: Online
Course/Section: SFTU503 200
Date: 03/04/2024 - 03/29/2024
Instructor: Co-Sponsored *
Contact Hrs: 16 hours
Many of your business decisions involve comparing groups for differences. For example, would men and women prefer different product features? In addition, you may look at relationships between variables. Does product recognition relate to subsequent product purchase? This online Intermediate Data Analysis course will introduce you to the statistics behind these group differences and relationships. In addition, you'll learn how to work with ratings, graphs and user-friendly reports of statistical results. Please watch for your invitation email from teacher@ugotclass.org in your regular or junk mail a few days before the class start date. Registration closes on the class start date.
Available Seats: 99     Fees: $195.00
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